Knowhow To Feed

Schothorst Feed Research is an independent knowledge and research organisation that develops scientific, nutritional knowledge and, together with its clients, translates it into new, innovative animal feed concepts.

Schothorst Feed Research

We develop nutritional knowledge and implement it together with our clients in new, innovative animal feed concepts. This is how we are at the basis of many innovations in animal nutrition and contribute to improving the competitive position of our clients.

AFP is focusing on the major mixers worldwide.

Flexible portfolio caters to small mixers.

Training with great practical applicability. 

Your research in our facilities or with SFR data. 

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Our company vision

SFR is the advisory and research organisation for animal nutrition. From Lelystad, over 85 people work daily to develop, share and implement knowledge on nutrition for farm animals (cattle, poultry and pigs).

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