Methane measurements at SFR with the Greenfeed

“At our dairy research facility, we now offer the possibility to collect methane emission data in nutritional studies with a Greenfeed”, says Marije van Tol, researcher at Schothorst Feed Research (SFR). The Greenfeed system consists of a cubicle where small portions of concentrates are offered to attract the cows. From now on, SFR clients can…

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Full chain life cycle assessment

The carbon footprint of raw materials and feeds can be relatively easy calculated by using validated and widely accepted PEFCR (Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules) Feed data and GFLI (Global Feed Life Cycle Assessment Institute) methodology. “However, the carbon footprint of feed is only part of the story when it comes to ecological sustainability in…

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Tool for environmental foot printing

ChallengesIn all parts of the food chain businesses are becoming more aware of the environmental impact of their activities. Society and ngo’s demand actions to mitigate global warming and to reduce detrimental effects on ecosystems worldwide.  And in the same time consumers ask for organic milk, meat and eggs, poultry from slow growing broilers, pork…

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Successful Feeds and Nutrition Course

Many participants from various countries attended the Feeds and Nutrition Course, organized in June 2023 by Schothorst Feed Research. In just one week, the course offers a full overview of nutrient evaluation, animal requirements, feed and ingredient composition, processing, nutritional management and feed formulation for dairy, poultry and swine. Setup The course is divided into…

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SFR announces appointment of new director

Schothorst Feed Research (SFR) is pleased to announce the appointment of Jan Kamphof as its new director. He will succeed Lieuwe Roosenschoon, who has led SFR for over 8 years and has expressed his intention to retire, effective from September 1st. With the appointment of Jan Kamphof (1964), SFR brings on board an experienced executive…

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In feeding trials with broilers, measuring water intake is very useful: experimental diets may influence water intake, and, thereby, affect production performance. The water-to-feed ratio is an important parameter in nutritional studies. When birds do not drink, they eat less, and vice versa. Monitoring both feed intake and water intake enables researchers to detect possible…

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Matthias Schilde: New Researcher Ruminant Nutrition

In February Matthias Schilde has started as a Researcher in the R&D Ruminant Nutrition team of Schothorst Feed Research. Matthias is a native German. Following his passion about cattle, he completed his apprenticeship as a dairy farmer in 2012. In 2015, he graduated with a B.Sc.agr in Animal Science at the Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany, and…

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BASF and Schothorst Feed Research collaborate to improve the environmental impact of the feed and animal protein industry

BASF and Schothorst Feed Research (SFR) signed an agreement granting SFR certain non-exclusive licensing rights to Opteinics™, BASF’s digital solution for environmental footprinting of feed and animal protein. SFR will integrate the digital sustainability platform Opteinics™ into its global animal nutrition consultancy services, thereby adding a new dimension focused on sustainability within its Advanced Feed…

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Controlling coccidiosis

Coccidiosis is a major health problem in poultry, caused by infections with a very contagious intestinal parasite (Eimeria species). Coccidiosis causes disease in broilers, affecting the welfare of the chickens. In addition, infection results in reduced production performance (higher feed conversion ratio and lower growth rate). This reduces the economic result of the farm and…

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