Advanced Feed Package
SFR (Schothorst Feed Research) is an independent research company in farm animal nutrition (poultry, pigs and cattle). Core activity: raw material evaluation; determining nutrient values and degradation and digestion coefficients of feed raw materials. These data are delivered in the SFR matrix with corresponding animal specific nutrient requirements. SFR is the sparring partner for nutritionists and consultants. Our consultants assist in proper use and of the database, help to formulate feeds in local field conditions, recommend nutritional solutions for issues at your customers, and provide educational services and training for new colleagues.

Advanced Feed Package (AFP) customers are feed industries and integrators, mainly in Europe and Asia. They pay an annual contribution from which a combined budget of approximately €1.3 million is available for applied scientific animal feed research at our facilities in Lelystad. AFP customers contribute ideas for research. The actual research program is discussed and determined annually in cooperation with AFP customers who participate in the technical committees of each animal species. With the results we generate new knowledge and insights that are translated into updates of matrix values and animal standards so that customers can annually improve the price-quality ratio of their feeds.

Analyzing raw materials

Providing advice

SFR raw materials matrix

9% of global animal feed production is formulated using the SFR AFP-service.
Reducing the formulators safety margin by 0.5%
The Advanced Feed Package service agreement provides a combined comprehensive set of data, knowledge and services and is continuously renewed:
- Matrix raw material-nutrient values
- Animal feed standards
- MySFR cloud-based online feedstock-nutrient value calculation
- Participation in the AFP research collective
- Consultancy hours
- Access to the Online Document Database (ODD) including all AFP research reports, circulars and recent developments
- Training and courses
The AFP service contract is offered for a minimum period of 4 years. The annual fee is calculated from the total annual feed production volume and the number of desired animal species.

Get in touch with your consultant.
My name is Wim Beeks, Sales & Consultancy Manager at SFR. I am proud to present our Advanced Feed Package to you. I look forward to discussing the possibilities with you.
Wim Beeks
+31 (0)320-229626