Jan Fledderus: New Product Manager Swine 29 September 2023 In mid-September, Jan Fledderus started as a Product Manager and Consultant in Swine at the S&C team at Schothorst Feed Research. After an absence of… Lees verder → Anne Guadagnin: New Researcher Ruminant nutrition 11 September 2023 In September, Anne Guadagnin has started as a Researcher in the R&D Ruminant Nutrition team at Schothorst Feed Research. Anne is originally from Brazil, where… Lees verder → What are the current challenges to produce pigs with long tails? 7 September 2023 What are the new developments in the world of animal nutrition? Last year, pharmacological levels of zinc oxide had to be phased out in diets… Lees verder → Methane measurements at SFR with the Greenfeed 31 July 2023 “At our dairy research facility, we now offer the possibility to collect methane emission data in nutritional studies with a Greenfeed”, says Marije van Tol,… Lees verder → Full chain life cycle assessment 25 July 2023 The carbon footprint of raw materials and feeds can be relatively easy calculated by using validated and widely accepted PEFCR (Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules)… Lees verder → Tool for environmental foot printing 10 July 2023 ChallengesIn all parts of the food chain businesses are becoming more aware of the environmental impact of their activities. Society and ngo’s demand actions to… Lees verder → Successful Feeds and Nutrition Course 13 June 2023 Many participants from various countries attended the Feeds and Nutrition Course, organized in June 2023 by Schothorst Feed Research. In just one week, the course… Lees verder → SFR announces appointment of new director 13 June 2023 Schothorst Feed Research (SFR) is pleased to announce the appointment of Jan Kamphof as its new director. He will succeed Lieuwe Roosenschoon, who has led… Lees verder → MONITORING WATER INTAKE IN BROILERS 15 May 2023 In feeding trials with broilers, measuring water intake is very useful: experimental diets may influence water intake, and, thereby, affect production performance. The water-to-feed ratio… Lees verder → Matthias Schilde: New Researcher Ruminant Nutrition 28 March 2023 In February Matthias Schilde has started as a Researcher in the R&D Ruminant Nutrition team of Schothorst Feed Research. Matthias is a native German. Following… Lees verder → BASF and Schothorst Feed Research collaborate to improve the environmental impact of the feed and animal protein industry 28 February 2023 BASF and Schothorst Feed Research (SFR) signed an agreement granting SFR certain non-exclusive licensing rights to Opteinics™, BASF’s digital solution for environmental footprinting of feed… Lees verder → What is the nutritional value of poultry-based PAPs for use in pig diets? 27 February 2023 In the EU, processed animal protein (PAPs) have been readmitted as a nutrient-rich and sustainable feed ingredient in monogastric diets, but the animal nutrition industry… Lees verder → « Previous 1 2 3 4 Next »