During Business Event, SFR looked back and forward
“Don’t be afraid of society and the government”, advises Piet van der Aar, former director of Schothorst Feed Research. “In the past, legislation and regulations and consumer wishes have often been a stimulus for innovations in livestock farming and animal nutrition and will continue to be desperately needed in our sector in the future.”
During the Business Event, on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of Schothorst Feed Research (SFR), we looked back and ahead.

SFR conducts research and consultancy for animal feed manufacturers and suppliers of ingredients and additives. “We do this in close collaboration with knowledge and IT partners, always with the requirement – the livestock farmer – in mind,” says director Jan Kamphof. Ninety years ago, De Schothorst’s focus was on supporting and informing farmers. SFR founder Jan Grashuis gave many lectures across the country for farmers’ study clubs. These contacts with practice continued in the following years in the form of the Schothorst days and excursions to the trial accommodation. “These days, unfortunately, our contacts with the primary sector are less direct, but more indirect, via the animal feed industry,” says Kamphof.
Don’t be afraid
Former director Piet Van der Aar calls on the sector not to get stuck in resistance to legislation and regulations and demands from society: “In the past, these have often led to innovations,” he shows: “For example, the reduction of the content of copper and zinc in pig feeds and the ban on antimicrobial feed savers led to changes in feed composition and feed evaluation, the rise of phase feeding and the development of various additives to support intestinal and animal health. In the formulation and processing of animal feeds, more attention is paid to particle size of the feed components and to energy consumption in the factory. Attention to climate change has spurred the development of methane-reducing measures in dairy farming.”
Morning program
The public part of the festive business event was preceded by a private program for SFR customers and knowledge partners. During that meeting, the guests were informed about the latest adjustments to the SFR feed evaluation system. E-finisher will soon be introduced for fattening pigs; Through an adjusted energy rating, this allows the customer to save on the feed costs of heavier pigs. The amino acid requirements in the various animal groups have also been considered, with the aim of lowering the protein content in the ration and thereby further reducing emissions.
This article is a shortened version of the article by Carolien Makkink of De Molenaar. You can read the entire article in De Molenaar 14 of December 2024.